Developing Africa Group is UK based Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Commercialization,

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Developing Africa Group

Developing African Raw Materials

The easiest way to develop Africa’s raw materials is to make African raw materials an employable or trade generating service that will allow ordinary Africans in Africa or outside Africa to take the raw materials from their local villages and rural areas and be able to

  1. Trade them online
  2. see the best way of converting the raw materials into the variety of end products that the raw material is able to generate.


The first stage starts with digitizing the raw materials by users registering the raw materials that they have in their local communities.

As these raw materials are registered on the platform, it is automatically registered on our AI Engine that will do the rest of the work.

It will find the market for the raw materials and also find out what the raw materials can be used for, both end products that we know about and the ones that are not commonly know.

Ultimately, this system will allow users to make money from selling the raw materials to various markets, as well as, find out what else the raw materials are used for so that the Africans can start participating in the value chain.

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